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Parent-mediated ABA Therapy

Shining Brighter, Together. ™

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a mother sits with her young daughter who is high fiving their specialist in their parent-mediated aba therapyParent-mediated ABA therapy is a proven method that helps parents become more capable of acting as agents for changing behavior. This approach involves teaching guardians and caregivers strategies and techniques that target the specific goals of your child’s treatment plan.

As parents of a child with autism, finding the right therapy services can be daunting. Fortunately, A Gem of Joy is here to help. We provide comprehensive, parent-mediated therapy services based on applied behavior analysis (ABA) principles to ensure every child, adolescent, and young adult has access to the quality care they deserve. For more information about how caregiver education and training services can help your family, call us today at 888.501.6641.

Our Parent-Mediated ABA Therapy

At A Gem of Joy, our parent-mediated therapy program coaches parents and guardians on implementing strategies that may increase desired behaviors and decrease challenging ones. These strategies may include:

Functional communication training

Differential reinforcement

Instruction delivery and prompting

Parent-mediated ABA therapy also involves educating parents about their child’s challenges and helping them understand how particular environmental factors may affect behavior. The goal is to create supportive environments where an individual with autism can learn new skills effectively.

Our evidence-based practice helps individuals on the autism spectrum build skills to lead successful lives while providing parents and caregivers with education and training to ensure successful outcomes. Combining decades of experience, clinical knowledge, and emotional support from staff trained in ABA techniques, we create an environment where families can thrive and unlock invaluable possibilities.

Why Community-Based and At-Home Parent-Mediated ABA Therapy Matters

Parent-mediated therapy is vital to ABA services, as it helps strengthen parents’ presence and roles in their child’s development. A Gem of Joy’s parent-mediated ABA therapy provides numerous benefits which can foster positive relationships and improve outcomes for children with autism.

For instance, parents can better understand how to interact with their children to support them meaningfully. Guardians and caregivers learn to use strategies tailored to their child’s needs, enabling them to respond appropriately to behaviors and create an environment where learning is encouraged. These strategies also help parents develop skills to better communicate with their children by:

  • Providing clear expectations and instructions
  • Setting consistent routines
  • Providing reinforcement when needed

Parent-mediated therapy provided by A Gem of Joy ABA also allows family members, including siblings, to be actively involved in the therapy process by gaining insight into how best to interact with the learner and understanding their unique challenges.

Find Community-Based and In-Home Parent-Mediated ABA Therapy Services in Maryland at A Gem of Joy

Are you seeking ABA therapy services tailored to your family’s unique needs? A Gem of Joy provides a holistic approach to parent-mediated therapy, combining ABA with education and training to help unlock the possibilities in life. Our experienced team allows families to strengthen relationships, cultivate understanding, and uncover joy through successful and evidence-based services.

We understand that each family has strengths and challenges, so we collaborate with families to identify the best strategies for them. We provide comprehensive ABA services such as individualized assessments, skill acquisition plans, social skills instruction, parent-centered strategies, and behavior management plans. We also offer additional support for educational programs and parenting resources.

At A Gem of Joy, we strive to ensure that families get the most out of our services. Our caring and compassionate staff will work with you every step, from initial assessment to ongoing treatment, to ensure we meet your child’s needs in an environment where respect and understanding prevail. Reach out today at 888.501.6641 or fill out our contact form to learn more about how we can equip you with the tools necessary for long-term success. Let’s begin our partnership today!